Club Hill Akitas


More About Club Hill Akitas
Maizie's Page
Photo Album
Kobe's Page
Tips on Raising and Training the Akita
Akita Links and Webrings
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Rainbow Bridge

Kobe and Maizie are expecting their first litter the last of May.

Pets are sold with limited registration, and a spay neuter, non-breeding contract. No puppies are sold for breeding purposes. Puppies come with a 2 year genetic health guarantee.

Pet prices start at $700. Shipping is avaiIable at owners expense.  I never wholesale my puppies to brokers or pet stores. Puppies are not allowed to go to their new homes until they are at least 10 weeks old.   A puppy needs early socialization with dogs and people.  I also give the first 2 vaccines a puppy leaves for its new home.   Puppies are not entirely weaned from nursing until they are almost 8 weeks old.  I breed  to preserve, and improve the akita.   When I have a litter of puppies, it is because I have the time, the money to properly care for them. 

This site is dedicated to "Yoko" my first akita, faithful friend and protector.